Illinois DNR Layoff Notices go out to 33 Officers
As of August 4, 2015 there is still no budget for the State of Illinois and because of that layoff notices have gone out. Notifications went out to 33 Conservation Police Officers (CPO) across the state. The letter stated that this was due to lack of funds effective September 30, 2015. This could leave about 34 counties in Illinois without a Conservation Officer. See the layoff notice here.As hunters and anglers we feel that Conservation Officers are vital to enable everyone to have a safe and enjoyable experience.
Unlike many other positions in state government those that are hired as CPOs are asked to move to regions around the state. So, imagine that you're one of the new CPOs and the state says your assigned to region X. You proceed to move your family there to start your new job only to find out that in less then two months time, you receive notice you are out of a job. Many of those that are laid off are also veterans who have served tours in Iraq and who now want to serve this state by protecting our natural resources.
Why is the Office of Law Enforcement at the IDNR taking the brunt of this? Conservation Officers are trained in a wide range of areas from fish identification to search and rescue and everything in between. Local law enforcement does not have the training or equipment to handle the variety of scenarios that conservation officers can. For example, a couple of weeks ago a man capsized his boat in the flood swollen Sangamon river and was swept downstream. The only thing he had to hold onto was a gas can. The local rescue squad was not trained in swift water rescue. Fortunately, the local CPO was on hand and had the boating experience to know where to enter the water and how to rescue the victim, almost 2 miles downstream. Read the full story here. Imagine local law enforcement trying to get ahold of a CPO and the closest one was a county or two over. This is what will happen if these cuts go through.
Over the last decade and a half the IDNR has taken some serious hits and in FY16' more items were on the chopping block. Illinois has an abundance of natural resources that deserve to be protected. Using the Broken Windows Theory, with less officers around people are more likely to abuse our state natural resources and less likely to purchase licenses and other required permits. This will result in a loss of revenue for the state putting the IDNR further behind.
This is all political drama that effects real people's lives but, it can all be changed if tomorrow a budget gets passed. So, if you feel that Conservation Officers are a critical part of the IDNR call the Governor's office (217) 782-0244 and your local Representative and let them know the impact that this will have on your area and the State of Illinois and tell them to work out a deal and pass a budget.
Why is the Office of Law Enforcement at the IDNR taking the brunt of this? Conservation Officers are trained in a wide range of areas from fish identification to search and rescue and everything in between. Local law enforcement does not have the training or equipment to handle the variety of scenarios that conservation officers can. For example, a couple of weeks ago a man capsized his boat in the flood swollen Sangamon river and was swept downstream. The only thing he had to hold onto was a gas can. The local rescue squad was not trained in swift water rescue. Fortunately, the local CPO was on hand and had the boating experience to know where to enter the water and how to rescue the victim, almost 2 miles downstream. Read the full story here. Imagine local law enforcement trying to get ahold of a CPO and the closest one was a county or two over. This is what will happen if these cuts go through.

This is all political drama that effects real people's lives but, it can all be changed if tomorrow a budget gets passed. So, if you feel that Conservation Officers are a critical part of the IDNR call the Governor's office (217) 782-0244 and your local Representative and let them know the impact that this will have on your area and the State of Illinois and tell them to work out a deal and pass a budget.
A very good article and hard hitting. It is a shame that CPOs take the hit during this tough time as well as the entire DNR.
Since the days of blago IDNR has taken far more than it's fair share of budget and personnel cuts. Of yesterdays announced layoffs, DNR is taking more than 50%! None of those positions comes from the directors staff
Perhaps the governor could cut some of his bloated, overpaid staff, not to mention legislative staffs. Since neither can come to a budget agreement, it's obvious to most citizens that the state might well operate better with no governor or legislature. Can we have a recall vote for all of them?
How about we do like Florida and other states and call welfare recipients in for a random drug test. If they fail they loose their benefits! What about not supporting illegal aliens! These cuts alone would save a ton of money and maybe this state will be better off. So much for hiring the Veterans who fought for our country and now we are turning our backs on them. If we don't keep our CPO's then poachers, those who bait deer and other illegal activities will run amuck! So much for wildlife control!
I've never seen or heard of bigger atrocity in my life. There's a 5 billion dollar deficit currently in the state, and the answer is to start laying off police officers. CPOs represent everything in the realm of sportsman and outdoorsman. Besides the job of being a game warden, they handle boats, snowmobiles, criminal behavior, and help fill a gap for general law enforcement jobs in areas low on police power. I know for a fact these lay offs not only effect veterans (27 to be exact) but of those veterans, one was awarded the Navy Cross for saving his entire squad! For those of you not in the know, the Navy Cross is one step below the Medal of Honor! One of the 5 being laid off in Region 5 has been on the department for 12 years, he's at an age that makes it difficult to find employment to support his family. These remarks are in regards to the 20 field officers, I haven't even touched on the 13 recruits getting the axe. 13 men that just went through 6 months of para-military training, being told when to do everything from eat to use the restroom for 6 months. This doesn't include the hard work and dedication it took to just get into the academy, all for nothing. Sorry, but cutting the jobs of those out there risking their lives daily to protect the people and resources of Illinois is not the answer to the deficit. Take a big look at who is not in danger of being laid off, look at what they do, and make your own decision. This is especially important when you look at the work they do in comparison to what their paid to do it. You will probably find the work:pay ratio is slightly skewed. Wake up Illinois, it's time to stand by your Conservation officers, otherwise your children and grand children may not be able to have those hunts and fishing excursions you cherish now. I pray this doesn't happen, but we need to plan for what to do if it does.
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