Illinois Hunting Policy, Rules and Regulations

There are three publications that come out from the IDNR that I always read and grab. Them being the Hunting & Trapping Rules and Regulations, the Waterfowl Regulations and the Fishing Regulations. However, don't look for the hard copies in your sporting good stores until October. That's when they will be available. Never really understood why they release these so late?
Winston Churchhill once said "A lie gets half way around the world before the truth comes out." Well that's more so today then ever. Especially when talking policies, rules and regulations. The best policy is to read things on you're own. It's OK to have questions, that's why there are forums, non-profits, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, and let us not forget Capitol Outdoors to help answer those questions.

Sometimes the boring information is the most relevant and important. These rules and regulations are there for a reason. Not to ruin your experience in the field or on the water, but for conservation efforts and to make sure everyone can partake in the great outdoors. The thing is, rules and regulations change periodically and if you don't stay up to date with them you could end up in a bad spot. It is your responsibility as a hunter, angler or someone who enjoys this state's natural resources.
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