Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 10: Thankful for my health

After a long morning in the duck blind, well two days for that matter my body is sore! I feel it all over, the fact that I was trudging through muddy water, throwing decoys and holding my gun out of the mud for 5 plus hours takes a toll.

Tonight I can feel it and I am thankful for the pain. It is a good pain, the pain you get when you wake your body up and force it to move like it's never moved. It lets me know I am healthy enough to continue to enjoy the outdoors! 

I'm thankful that I am healthy enough to get up each new day. Thankful to trudge those muddy waters to our spot in the woods and thankful that on clear mornings before sunrise I can stand out in the middle of our decoy spread and stare up at the stars! 

Remember to enjoy the Outdoors & Keep  it *Classy* 

Capitol OutdoorsWoman