Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 2: Coffee Maker Timer

MMM… the alarm goes off and I step into my kitchen to the smell of coffee.  I love my coffee maker with the automatic timer. That is what I am thankful for today.  It’s the little things that we take for granted. It makes my life so much simpler.  Plus, who doesn’t love to wake up to the smell of fresh coffee brewing! Especially on those early morning days before a hunt when you stumble out of bed and get into your gear to face the cold weather.

I can tell you I am a coffee addict.  Have to start my day with a cup of coffee. Literally, get out of bed, head to the coffee maker, pour my coffee and stand on the porch while Reagan runs around in the yard!  

There is nothing like that: standing on my front porch with a cup of coffee.  The freedom of being able to start my day, the way that I want.

Do you start your day with something special?