This weekend begins the first weekend of firearm deer season for Illinois.
According the Illinois DNR website:
Firearm: A full season permit allows hunting Nov. 22-24 and Dec. 5-8.
A second season only permit allows hunting Dec. 5-8.
Successful deer hunters must report their harvest by 10 p.m. on the day of kill using our automated check-in system, either by telephone (toll-free)
at 1-866-452-4325 (1-866-IL-CHECK) or online at
If you are successful this firearm season you can donate your deer to Sportsmen Against Hunger.
"Hunters are encouraged to donate their entire deer harvest to food banks and charities. Participating meat processors will grind the venison into two-pound packages of burger. Please watch a short (30 second) video for a summary of the program." Check out more info. here.
If you need more information on the rules and regulations check out the Illinois DNR site here.
And please remember to be safe:
- If you are in a tree stand, make sure you wear a safety harness that fits properly and check your gear to make sure it is all in working order.
- Always point gun in safe direction and treat it as if it were loaded.
- Make sure you know what is your target and what is beyond your target.
- Finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
Remember Good Luck and Stay Safe this weekend.
Submit your photos to our braggin' board: email us
Heather & Michael