Rod & Reel:
- We recommend that you use an ultra light rod with six pound test. You can pick up any rod & reel combo at a sporting goods store for around $20 dollars.
- You’ll always hear guys talk about what they are using. We use Berkley Power bait. We use a red and green color. However, the color scheme does not matter. What does is the size of the bait. Trout have smaller mouths and the bait needs to easily fit into the mouth for you to be able to get the bites. So when you are out looking for bait look for the power bait that is about the size of a small marshmallow. There are some out there where you can make your own nuggets. We don’t recommend that as it gets really messy.

Hooks & Weights:
- So here’s the key. To catch these trout you’ll need a size 16 treble hook. These hooks are expensive and hard to find. They fit into the nugget and are perfectly concealed. This will allow your bait to float. As for your weights we recommend a size 3 or 4. You may need to put multiple split shots on there to get to the bottom, but that varies. Place the weights from 12 - 18 inches from your hook.