Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Small Aluminum Boat Restoration Part 1

Small Aluminum Boat Restoration 

One year ago June, Capitol Outdoor purchased a boat.  I still remember the day we saw it on our way to work.  It was being sold on the side of the road and we thought that it would be fun to restore it. On the way home we stopped to take a look .  It needed a lot of work.
Capitol Outdoors Boat
 We discussed it little bit that night and the next day there it was again, same spot.  For about two days, we drove by talking about how cool it would be to get off the shore and fish different parts of a lake. I was hesitant because I knew it needed some work.

Capitol Outdoors Pan FishingAfter about three days of thinking and discussing it,  I called the owner and asked how much he wanted.  It was only $900 and it came with a 15 horsepower Johnson, two trolling motors, seats and a few miscellaneous items.

I began thinking  about one of our trips to Bass Pro Shops. One of our many adventures, where we starting searching for a boat.  Buying the same gear there would have put us back 3 years.  After the exchange of money and title Capitol Outdoors purchased and owned a boat in full.  Granted we still needed to file the paperwork for transfer, but it was ours, paid in full.

Capitol Outdoors Fishing and huntingLooking at this boat, the possibilities were endless.  I caught myself trying to do all the projects on the boat at one time.  Capitol Outdoors decided to get it painted and work on smaller odd jobs first.  We got the lighting and bilge pump in, flex sealed all corners for possible holes and made it our own.  After some hard work through out the early summer it was painted, registered and ready to hit the water.
As we look back on what we did  last summer to the boat, we can't wait until the next process in our boat restoration.  Make sure to stay tuned for the second part of our boat restoration, where we will get one step closer to a final product.

Paint Job Finished!

Remember Enjoy the Outdoors Good Luck and Stay Safe -
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to your next article.