Illinois Conservation Police Could See Staffing Levels Increase by 2020

House Bill 4104 - Provides that the Department of Natural Resources shall implement measures to ensure that the Office of Law Enforcement establishes and maintains a sworn police force of at least 175 personnel by July 1, 2020. Provides that accrual of sworn conservation police officers along with necessary support staff shall be added incrementally beginning with Fiscal Year 2016 with subsequent additions established until the goal is reached. Provides that, anytime the number of sworn officers drops below a minimum of 165, the Department shall immediately implement hiring procedures to reestablish the number of sworn officers back to 175. Source - Illinois General AssemblyAs the committee began Chairman Costello stated that there were over 245 proponents (supporters) and only 1 opponent of the bill. The one opponent of the bill was the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. The DNR says it doesn't have the money. Tim Sickmeyer who represents the Illinois Conservation Lodge and Retires disagrees. "It's about priorities" he said.
HB 4104 passed committee 10 - 4 - 1 and will now move onto the House floor for a debate. As hunters and anglers we all know why its imperative to have well trained officers in the field. Let's make sure your Illinois House Representative understands this as well. Capitol Outdoors as we continue to track this important piece of legislation for all hunters, anglers and those who just enjoy the great outdoors.
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