Take the weekend of October 6th,and head down to Pere Marquette State Park. The park will be hosting a ceremony dedicating their new Educational Fishing Pond. Although the ceremony may only take a few minutes, this park has so much more to offer.
"Fall color drives are popular along the wooded ravines and riverside roadways at and near Pere Marquette".Growing up most of my time outdoors was spent with my dad and brothers. Some of the most memorable times spent outdoors were with my mom leaf peeping. Many of you may enjoy doing this with your kids.
Dedication Ceremony Planned for Oct. 6 for New Educational Fishing Pond at Pere Marquette State Park

The public is invited to the ceremony to help celebrate the completion of the project. The new fishing pond will be used at the annual Two Rivers Family Fishing Fair every June, as well as for other park interpretive programs and Urban Fishing Program events.
The new pond is located just outside of the Visitor Center in front of the Log Cabin at Pere Marquette State Park.
The pond was constructed thanks to the support of individual and corporate donors.
The Phillips 66 Wood River Refinery was the primary donor for the project. Monsanto, Friends of Pere Marquette State Park Foundation, and another sponsor who wishes to remain anonymous also were major donors for the project. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources Division of Fisheries provided funding to pay for aerator and pump services and supplies for the pond. Total Lawn Care, Inc. of Jerseyville was the contractor for the project. Other project partners include:
Pere Marquette State Park staff
IDNR Region 4 Hot Shot Crew
IDNR Office of Resource Conservation, Fisheries
IDNR Office of Land Management
IDNR Office of Realty and Environmental Planning
Illinois Federation for Outdoor Resources (IFOR)
Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT)
Unique Concrete Concepts - Jerseyville, IL
Trico Electric - Jerseyville, IL
Baxter Gardens - Chesterfield, MO
Gorman Brothers Ready Mix - Jerseyville, IL
Goedecke Company - St. Louis, MO
McClintock’s Tree Service – Jerseyville, IL
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